January 17, 2014 Land Use & Environmental Committee
Division of Reclamation Mining, & Safety Update: Senior Environmental Protection Specialist, Tom Kaldenbach, briefly spoke about the Division’s desire to work with the CSSGA membership in 2014 regarding industry related issues.
New Business:
Trinity Consultant’s Ashley Jones gave a presentation on the proposed changes to the Air Quality Regulations in 2014 and their impact on industry.
Todd Ohlheiser has been in communication with CDPHE regarding the upcoming sand & gravel stormwater permit rewrites. He has been informed that Al Stafford will be leading the upcoming rewrites.
CDPHE has made CSSGA aware of their CIMPLE project. The purpose of the CIMPLE project is to create an online permitting, reporting, and public document system. Membership is encouraged to take the online survey to give their feedback on how the future website will be designed and what information will be available for industry and public access. Members of the Committee came up with a list of talking points highlighting industry concerns that the Committee identified as important. We suggest you incorporate these points combined with your best judgment when responding to the survey.
Other Business:
After discussion, the idea of holding two meetings per year outside of the Denver area has been put on hold.