The Safety Committee recommends the CRMCA price the Concrete Mixer Truck Driver DVD at $150 for Members and $450 for Non-Members.Todd will discuss this recommendation with Aggregate Industries.
The DVD should be available online by June 2014.
Review CSSGA Website: Annelise Shepherd reviewed the updated CSSGA website. (If you’ve made it this far – congrats!)
Old Business: NTR
Round Table Discussion:
Both the URS Biennial Update and the Proposed OSHA recordkeeping rules will be discussed at the April 15 meeting.
The Committee agreed on the following speakers and topics for the upcoming meetings:
April 15: This meeting will serve as a planning session and round table discussion for the upcoming year.
May 20: Mod Rate (This will be a combined meeting with the Colorado Contractor’s Association. The meeting will start at 8:00 a.m.. More details will be sent via email in the coming months.)