Hello members. I hope everyone is having a great summer. The weather turned around, and it is finally HOT. Time to take advantage of Colorado’s great warm weather activities!
There have been several key activities this summer at CSSGA. These include a very successful networking event and board meeting held in Grand Junction in June. Over 45 people attended the networking event on the Colorado West Slope, which shows the importance of our statewide outreach efforts. We need to continue to be a resource for all of Colorado, and not just the Front Range. Hopefully these efforts are obvious to the membership.
Additionally in June, our Land Use & Environment Committee conducted our first Industry Roundtable meeting, which included leadership from Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Water and Air Departments, Division of Reclamation Mining & Safety (DRMS), and the State Engineers Office (SEO). Senior leaders from these agencies and CSSGA engaged in conversations about upcoming changes, challenges and future expectations. These proactive and open conversations continue to break down barriers and enhance commination channels. Based on the success of this session, another one is planned for October. Please check our website for specifics and PLAN TO ATTEND.
In late June I attended a small group breakfast with Senator Michael Bennett. It was an opportunity to speak with him one on one about the critical nature of infrastructure funding. He is in full support of taking action. As he serves on the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, as well as the Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure (ranking member), he is in a position to make a difference. As you know from recent communications, U.S. Congress is currently taking action on a 6 year bill, and hopefully Senator Bennett is taking our message forward.
Lastly, as mentioned in an earlier blog, in August we are conducting our first Industry Outreach Site Tour. While hosted by CSSGA, it is in cooperation with the Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association and the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association. We currently have RSVP’s from federal and state elected officials, along with members of CDPHE, DRMS and SEO. The session is intended to educate these officials on our industry, and discuss challenges and opportunities for reasonable solutions.
As usual, check out our website and social media channels for more information. Thanks for supporting your Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association.
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association