April 2016 Executive Director Blog
Todd welcomes Dave Brown, Apex Companies, to the CSSGA.
Hello CSSGA members. Thank goodness we are through with March and the crazy weather that accompanied it. The month started off looking like summer was around the corner, 72 degrees one day in the Colorado Front Range, and then 18 inches of snow the next!! At least we needed the precipitation, so always a bright spot. Here is a brief update of what is happening at your trade association:
- I am very pleased to report that our new social media sites are up and running. I welcome everyone to explore this exciting update. Annelise has worked very closely with our contractor of choice, Calyx Social Media, to launch the sites and begin correspondence. The board of directors received a briefing on our status at the March meeting, and over the coming months we will have educational sessions regarding the use of social media. This will assist those of us less familiar with this communication tool to learn more and determine various levels of participation. I encourage you to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Look for more information to follow.
- As I previously mentioned, I want to thank everyone who turned out at the Governor’s Mansion on March 15 to make the 2016 Spring Networking Event, the most successful ever. It is with your active participation that makes these such a success. Our next one is June 14 in Grand Junction. I look forward to seeing everyone for the golf outing and Networking Event to follow.
- On April 15 the CSSGA Land Use & Environmental Committee will hold our next Industry Roundtable session in North Denver. These important sessions include key leadership of CDPHE Air & Water, the State Engineers Office, and the DRMS in an open forum to discuss major concerns and upcoming changes. They are designed to keep open lines of communication with these parties. Everyone is welcome to attend. Look for more info on our website.
- Regarding Governmental Affairs, 2 major items are in the works. In April we will begin funding the ROCK Political Action Committee (PAC) for the upcoming election cycle. This is a very important aspect for CSSGA as we involve membership to help determine which candidates to support and contribute to. With close local races at the state level every dollar counts, so please consider contributing. The other important item is the Infrastructure Ballot Initiative we are participating on along with our partners in our Colorado Construction Coalition (CCIC). While overall there is a bipartisan understanding of the need for a dedicated infrastructure funding source, there has been a partisan divide in where the funds should originate. Look for more information on this important topic in the very near future.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Annelise or I with any questions regarding CSSGA. Thank you and have a safe month.
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association