Recently appointed DRMS Director, Ginny Brannon, spoke with the Committee regarding her plans for the Division. Her goal is to create a cohesive state administration that is able to respond quickly to issues and comments and work with industry.
Minerals Program Supervisor, Tony Waldron, announced the Divisions plan to have e-permitting completed by the end of 2014. He will also be working with others in the Division to create an updated Process & Procedures Manual. – he requested members send their comments to Todd Ohlheiser by May 2.
Mined Land Reclamation Board Update: The MLRB is scheduled to tour member company mine sites in the Denver Metro area on July 29.
New Business:
Trinity Consultant’s George Iwaszek gave a presentation: “Redefining Waters Protected by the Clean Water Act“. Members discussed connecting with the state government, local Associations, and the NSSGA in their opposition to this broad overreach.
Old Business:
Roundtable discussion on COG-500000 and COR-340000 permit renewal process
The CDPHE released the Sand and Gravel general permit and fact sheet for public notice on April 28. The permit will be at Public Notice until June 24.
A Stakeholder’s meeting will be held at United Companies facility in Grand Junction on May 22. CSSGA will keep members informed of the details via email.