Clockwise: Todd Ohlheiser with Gov. John Hickenlooper; George Iwaszek and Anna Unruh, Trinity Consultants; Oldcastle SW Group Participates in the 2015 Summer Golf Tournament; Gov. John Hickenlooper and Annelise Shepherd; CSSGA Board Members at the Spring Networking Event
Hello CSSGA members,
Welcome to this month’s Executive Director’s Blog! With May weather here, we look forward to the warm months ahead and the busy activity that follows. This blog provides an update of the CCIC Transportation Funding Initiative and other key happenings.
The Colorado Construction Industry Coalition (CCIC) has been hard at work with the Transportation Funding Initiative. In early April, 10 ballot titles were submitted to the Secretary of State’s office for title board hearings. Currently, another round of polling is underway to determine which of the 10 initiatives are most appealing to likely voters, and to determine support levels for an overall tax increase. That information will be available this month, at which time we plan to pick a specific initiative and make a determination on a Go/No Go situation. Remember, we believe we need about 58% support to move forward with the initiative for the November ballot. If we move forward, fundraising would go into overdrive and we have until August to turn in signatures. Obviously, more info will follow.
In a show of support for this initiative, the CSSGA Board of Directors recently doubled their contribution to the CCIC-527 to $20,000 and reserved another $20,000 for future consideration. I appreciate the board’s support on this issue, and their forward thinking approach. We encourage individual member companies to get involved by reviewing the issues and considering making an unlimited corporate contribution. Click here to learn more.
In other activities, in April we had a very successful Industry Roundtable event as part of the Land Use and Environmental Committee. Industry attendees included (Annelise, can you insert). The discussions included targeted implementation dates for the CDPHE S&G General Permit, staffing changes with department offices, and open discussion on interaction and processes. Overall, another very successful program.
I also encourage you member to participate in our annual Summer Golf Tournament and Networking BBQ. This year’s event will take place on June 14 at the Redlands Mesa Golf Course in Grand Junction. Use this link for registration and sponsorship details.
Lastly, Annelise continues to make progress regarding social media. In the coming months, there will be several training sessions to learn more about how to use and ways you and your company can benefit from the use of it. Please watch for this information.
I hope everyone has a safe month of May. Please contact Annelise or me with any comments or questions.
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association