Hello CSSGA Membership. I hope everyone’s year is off to a great start. Warmer climates are coming soon, and it will be good to get the colder weather behind us.Below is a brief update regarding CSSGA. At least that’s my perspective, although I realize many enjoy the winters.
Getting 2025 off to a strong start.
We are now in the middle of the Legislative Session, and this year’s session runs until May 7th. We are in the process of reviewing many bills with the guidance of our lobbyist, Totsy Rees and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, Chris Oestreich, with Burnco Colorado. As a reminder, we meet virtually every Tuesday morning at 8 am to review the growing list of bills, discussing important strategies on ones that can impact the ready mixed concrete and mining industries. All members are welcome to participate as we discuss details of bills working through the system.
Additionally, we are holding our Legislative Luncheons for 2025 at the Tetra Tech office in downtown Denver. I especially want to thank Tom Hesemann and Fred Charles with Tetra Tech for their involvement with our association and helping to host the meetings. There is only one remaining Legislative Luncheon to go on April 23rd. Make plans to attend and be part of the future of Colorado. If you are unable to attend in person, there is a virtual option. I encourage you to participate! See the link on the CSSGA website to get registered.
These past several months we also had made great headway to revamp and modify the Mine Safety Institute (MSI) MSHA Part 46 Safety Training Program. Since this CSSGA and the Colorado DRMS developed this nationwide program, it has been serving industry needs for many years. We have now shot new footage at Colorado mine sites, and reworking subject matter and text with up-to-date safety related content. It will move to an online platform for the New Miner and Part 46 Annual Refresher Training and be available in both English and Spanish. We are planning to complete this transition over the next few months and launch the training. Go to the cssga.org website for more information or reach out to our office at 303.290.0303.
Regarding another great networking opportunity, we had a very successful Industry Ski Day in Breckenridge, Colorado on Feb 3 and 4. We started with the statewide meeting with members across Colorado discussing high level items that impact their specific region of the state. Additionally, there was an interactive networking event . Then, the next day, we hit the slopes and enjoyed a lunch before heading back out on the slopes or heading back to our offices. Again, a great and interactive time. Thanks to those who participated and sponsored.
Looking Ahead
As networking with producer and associate members is critical to our association, we have a Spring Networking Event planned for April 22 at ACE Eat-N-Serve in downtown Denver. Check the website and register for this free event. Also, if you have perspective members that want to find out more about CSSGA, feel free to bring them. It is a great time to see networking in action.
As I mentioned above, the Legislative Luncheon is the next day on April 23.
Lastly, while not specifically a CSSGA event, I want to again remind everyone about the annual Concrete Day at the Capitol on the following day, April 24. This year I am pleased to announce we have a new business partner in the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Rocky Mountain States. Their Executive Director, Mr. Jim Schneider is enthusiastic about partnering with CRMCA, as well as our longtime partner, the American Concrete Pipe Association. Together, we serve several hundred legislators and key staff members on the Capitol grounds during this BBQ. As with other items, visit our website for info and register as a volunteer to help and get involved.
Thanks again to our members for your support. Be safe!