As the year approaches its end and a season of new beginnings arrives, it is a good time for us to be thankful for all of the important people in our lives. I speak not only of our family and close friends, but also of those who have been our mentors and supporters throughout our careers. I am sure you are all familiar with the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”; this also applies to one’s career and success. Take a moment and think about all of those people throughout your career who supported you, taught you important skills, provided you opportunities, and believed in you. Does the number of people surprise you? I know my list of people did, and I wish to thank them for all that they have done for me.
I would also like you to think about the many people for whom you have been this person over your career. How many young people are you developing in your organization? If our industry is to have the next generation of leaders, engineers, sales people, accountants, loader operators, haul truck drivers, plant operators, etc. we need to build these villages within our own organizations and within the industry. Many of our members are actively involved in educational outreach as regards our industry, and the association provides scholarship opportunities. But is this enough? How do we build that village that will help educate young people and draw them into our industry for long, fruitful careers? These are difficult questions to answer, but the one aspect of the solution we do know is, it requires involvement.
I would like to challenge our organization to reflect upon our past success and, through this reflection, develop a plan to which we all can commit in developing the village. Our educational outreach and various committees are a tremendous start but are not the entire answer. What ideas and thoughts do you have that will allow your organization and the industry to be successful and sustainable for many years? I encourage you to provide your insights to the organization via a Board Member or by contacting the association’s office.
Presidents’ Dinner at the 2014 Annual Conference.
Over the course of the coming weeks, the organization will transition leadership and board members. I wish to thank the board and the membership for the many opportunities and support that have been provided me over the past two years. Thank you for being my village! I look forward to being an active member of that village.
I hope to see many of you on November 19th and 20th at CSSGA/CRMCA’s Annual Meeting at the Broadmoor Resort in Colorado Springs. Register by November 10 to receive regular pricing.
Wishing you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!