October 2021 Executive Director’s Blog

Hello CSSGA members.
I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather as we begin the fall season! CSSGA remains active monitoring regulations that could impact your operations, expanding the board of directors, recognizing industry leaders and preparing for upcoming events. Read on to learn more and please reach out to me or Annelise with any questions. Thank you.
Regulatory Update
- WOTUS. On Sept. 3, the EPA announced that in response to a decision from the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona the agency is interpreting WOTUS using the pre-2015 definition until further notice. According to CDPHE “As long as the definition of WOTUS under the federal Clean Water Act protects our state waters, we do not plan to seek legislative authority for a state gap waters program. We will focus our efforts on supporting the federal agencies with their current rulemaking process and effort to find a durable solution and regulatory regime for WOTUS.”
- Vaccine Mandates. CSSGA leadership continues to examine the pending OSHA rulemaking for vaccine mandates as well as City and County regulations. We are working with industry partners with a shared goal that the construction industry continue to operate with safe protocols and avoid burdensome regulations in a state that has a limited workforce.
- Adams County IPOC. Proposed changes to the zoning code could have significant impacts for industrial zoned property owners and businesses located in unincorporated Adams County. The Industrial Property Owners Consortium of Adams County (IPOC) has formed to help ensure that concerns are heard and incorporated into the new regulations.
- Written Safety Programs for Surface Mobile Equipment. On September 9, MSHA published a proposed rule requiring mine operators to develop and implement written safety programs for their powered haulage equipment used at surface mines and surface areas of underground mines. The proposed rule applies to operators employing six or more miners. The rule would require these operators to develop and implement a written safety program for surface mobile equipment other than belt conveyors. CSSGA will keep members updated as the comment deadline of November 8 approaches.
Associate Board Member
- CSSGA Board Seeks Associate Member. CSSGA is looking for a volunteer associate member to join our Board of Directors. This is a two yearlong commitment and requires in-person or remote attendance at 9 board meetings annually (typically held on the third Wednesday of the month from 8:00 – 10:00 am). Please send a summary of your work history along with a short statement regarding how and why you can best represent CSSGA’s associate membership to annelise@coloradocaa.org. Responses must be received by October 22, 2021.
Recognizing Industry Leaders
- ConRock Colorado Cover Photo Contest. I am excited to announce Martin Marietta’s Adam John Holliday as the recipient of the 2021 ConRock Colorado cover photo contest (Annelise to link) for their submission of the One Platte project! We received excellent submissions this year and look forward to highlighting all submissions and the winning photo in the upcoming ConRock Colorado magazine due out this November.
- 2021 Awards. Don’t miss the opportunity to recognize your team for their outstanding work over the past year! Nominations for the below awards are open now. Unless noted, the deadline for all awards is Nov. 3.
Upcoming Events
- OSHA Roundtable. Join the Safety Committee for the annual OSHA Roundtable on October 21. The event will take place via Zoom.
- Annual Conference. The 2021 Annual Conference will take place at the Broadmoor Hotel November 18-19. Join us for networking, educational sessions, and the Annual Members Meeting.
Todd R. Ohlheiser, CAE
Executive Director
Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
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