During the August 21 Industry Tour hosted by the CSSGA in cooperation with CAPA and CRMCA Sens. Laura Woods and Kevin Grantham and Reps. Justin Everett and Kevin Priola joined association members at a tour of the Martin Marietta facilities in Golden, CO.
Sens. Laura Woods and Kevin Grantham and Reps. Justin Everett and Kevin Priola joined association members at a tour of the Martin Marietta facilities in Golden, CO. this August.
September is here, soon the trees will begin to display the approach of fall, and the mountain tops will begin to grow white as we enter the last few months of 2015. The year has proven to be a busy one for the CSSGA and, I hope, for your business as well. Though the year will begin to wind down, the association will be very active over these next few months building on the foundation laid earlier in the year.
In August, the association completed the first Industry Tour with federal and state legislators in cooperation with CRMCA and CAPA. The tour was well attended and provided an excellent opportunity to build relationships with the legislators and increase their understanding about the challenges and opportunities of our industry. Though the industries’ problems were not resolved during the meeting, we have begun to walk a path that, in the long term, will fortify the sustainability of our industry. I encourage every member to begin this same journey with their federal and state legislators and other individuals within your local government.
In addition to the tour, the Educational Outreach Committee finalized the “Need for Transportation Funding” presentation, which is available to the membership to utilize in educating their workforce, associates, neighbors, elected officials and communities. Additionally, in the members’ only section on the website, you may find many other presentations and resources related to our industry that may be used in various educational outreach programs from schools to the local Rotary Club meetings. If we do not educate and provide the correct information about our industry to our stakeholders, who will? Those opposed to our operations and other interest groups will provide what they want our stakeholders to hear, unfavorably affecting our operations, operating costs, and the long-term sustainability of our business, as well as our ability to attract talent. Our future is in our control, and we must proactively work to ensure a long and fruitful future. CSSGA is committed to this objective.
Over the next few months, CSSGA will finalize objectives for 2016, complete financial guidelines, and revamp the antitrust program, while continuing to understand and work with various governmental agencies related to the pending storm water permits and various endangered habitat issues. As we work through these items, membership participation is key. I want to invite our membership to the third networking event this year on Tuesday September 15, 2015, at the Colorado Mining Exchange Hotel in Colorado Springs. It is a great opportunity to strengthen relationships between members and associate members while beginning new relationships with guests.
CSSGA’s annual meeting and conference will be held on November 20, 2015, at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs; more details will follow in the next month. I encourage you to attend, beginning with the Thursday night reception through the dinner on Friday evening. It provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen relationships with CRMCA members, while learning and participating in activities that drive our association’s future.
Thank you for your support & have a safe autumn!