CSSGA Board Members and Executive Director take in the wonder of the Stanley Truck. l to r: Mark Johnson, David Hagerman, Gayle Lyman, Ben Frei, Todd Ohlheiser, Mike Sheahan
Similar to the Stanley Cup, the Stanley Truck will travel from one Board President to the next on a yearly basis. Also, similar to North American Hockey’s greatest award, the Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association’s greatest award has the names of all of the past Board Presidents and Executive Directors engraved on the base of the award case. Unlike the Stanley Cup, the Board Presidents are not required to skate around the rink with the award over their head (although it is not explicitly forbidden).
As we come to the mid-year mark of 2014 the CSSGA Staff thanks our current Board President, David Hagerman, for his continued dedication and involvement in the aggregate industry. We’re also told that CSSGA Board Vice President, Garrett Varra, eagerly awaits his turn to drive the Stanley Truck.