That’s Cuckoo!


CSSGA Western Slope producers have been closely monitoring the U.S. Fish & Wildlife’s (USFW) proposed critical habitat of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo bird (YBC). The riparian corridors which UWFS has proposed for designation as critical habitat contain some of the most critical economic infrastructure within the region. As many Colorado Western Slope sand and gravel producers mine alluvial deposits from rivers and streams the ruling has the potential to have a detrimental effect on our industry.

In June, members met with staff from Senator Gardner and Representative Tipton’s offices to ask for their aid on this issue. On July 7, both Sen. Gardner and Rep. Tipton submitted a letter to the Dan Ashe, USFW director, reaffirming their position that there “does not appear to be sufficient justification for the designation of Critical Habitat for the YBC within Colorado, especially in light of the economic harm it would cause to our communities”.

The USFW is expected to release their finalized ruling on the YBC in the next several weeks.

Also, read The Daily Sentinel’s article on the unfounded designation.