April 2014 Executive Director’s Blog

Addressing the attendees at the March 18 CSSGA Networking Event
Greetings to you all and happy April. With the first quarter of 2014 behind us, I would like to take the time to reflect on several new and exciting things that have occurred during this 3 month period with your Association.
- One is the new website. This site now has many new features, including the ability to schedule events, purchase safety materials online, stay informed regarding committee updates, and keep abreast on industry issues. Thanks to Annelise Shepherd for all her efforts in making this a success.
- With our enhanced website, and communication tools such as the eNews and articles in magazine publications, we are finding new ways to showcase/highlight CSSGA and our membership. Through the new online member directory listings, visibility for event sponsors, new members’ introduction opportunities, and featured members in our E-News, the objective is to showcase our members and their companies. Thanks to 4 Rivers Equipment and Albert Frei & Sons for participating as this month’s featured members.
- Another is the efforts of our Governmental Affairs Committee and Legislative Subcommittee. The Legislative Subcommittee continues to closely monitor all bills moving through the legislature, which is critical to our industry. Details of these will continue to be shared through the Legislative Session during the Legislative Breakfast Program. Additionally, the Governmental Affairs Committee is excited to announce a new “Grassroots Awards Program”, which will allow individuals to be more involved in the political process if they desire. Information will be available soon.
- Lastly, we have kicked off a very successful membership drive yielding nearly a 20% increase in Associate members YTD. However, we need your help in pushing this even more. Our strength is in numbers, and additional membership is the key. Please pass any information on potential members on to the CSSGA staff. We promise to follow up and work to earn their membership.
We at CSSGA look forward to continuing to push hard for continuous improvement in 2014. Thanks for your active participation.
Todd R. Ohlheiser, Executive Director
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