June 2017 Executive Director’s Blog

CSSGA Executive Director, Todd Ohlheiser, and other Colorado construction industry professionals attended the 2017 TCC Fly-In.
Hello CSSGA members. Welcome to the June 2017 blog. After Memorial Day, summer is officially here! Time for hot dogs on the grill, too many golf balls in the lake, and of course, the dreaded Farmers Tan. Don’t get much better than that!
Hopefully you can spend more time outdoors in the great Colorado summer weather. Here is what is going on:
- As the state legislative session came to an end in May, we were disappointed in the failure of HB-1242, the comprehensive transportation funding bill. However, SB-267 did pass and will bring some funding sources toward infrastructure. I want to thank all those who not only met at the Capitol every Monday during the session, but also our great lobbyist, Totsy Rees. Totsy is well known in legislative circles as a well-balanced thinker, a tough negotiator and person who can get things done. Thanks, Totsy!
- In addition to interacting with legislators at the state level, I traveled with others in Colorado to speak with our Colorado delegates in Washington, DC. This trip was part of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) Fly-In, in which our counterparts from around the country interact with delegates in support of long term funding of the Highway Trust Fund. While the wheels turn slow in DC, there is total agreement that something must be done. Obviously, how to get there is the debate, but very good and frank conversations occurred on your behalf.
- Our new online Learning Management System (LMS) continues in the development stages. This program, in conjunction with our partners at the Colorado Division of Reclamation and Mine Safety (DRMS), will provide online training for those working under MSHA monitored operations. We are looking forward to completion and launch later this year so more information will follow in the coming months.
Lastly, hopefully, everyone can join us for the Summer Golf and Networking BBQ in Grand Junction on June 20. Make plans to attend and register today and also schedule in the Fall Networking Event to occur on September 19 in Fort Collins (details TBA).
Thanks, and once again, enjoy the weather, and be safe.
Todd R. Ohlheiser
Executive Director
Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association