February 21, 2014 Land Use & Environmental Committee Meeting
Members of the Land Use & Env. Committee Speak with CDPHE Representatives
Division of Reclamation Mining, & Safety Update: Minerals Program Supervisor, Tony Waldron, let members know that the Department will being streamlining annual fee procedures and will keep members updated on their progress.
New Business:
Kathy Rossow, Erin Scott, and Al Stafford of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s Permits Section of the Water Quality Control Division discussed the COR340000 and COG500000 sand and gravel stormwater permit rewrites with Committee members. The discussion was engaging with both sides openly discussing their concerns and how to work together over the coming months. CDPHE gave members a preview of the presentation they will give at the February 28 stakeholders meeting, which includes a timeline for the permit rewrites.
Old Business: After a quick discussion, the Land Use & Environmental Committee members decided to take no more action regarding the pending Air Quality Regulations updates.
Other Business:
Before the meeting SB14-134 was Postponed Indefinitely. CSSGA will be participating in stakeholder meetings this summer regarding the restructuring of CDPHE’s water quality fees.