October 2014 Executive Director Blog

Todd Ohlheiser and Bob Beauprez at a fundraiser earlier this year.
Welcome to the October edition of the CSSGA update. October! Where did the summer go? It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for the snow to melt and weather to warm up. Now snow is again on the mountaintops!
There have been several items in particular that we are focusing on at CSSGA. These include:
- Governmental Affairs and our Grassroots program. We certainly appreciate the PAC contributions, and the money has been disbursed to candidates that support our industry. In many cases, this means limiting over-regulation and governmental growth, and allowing environmentally conscious companies to do their job. Our PAC contributions and Candidate Endorsement List assists in these efforts by helping to get the right decision makers elected. Additionally, or new Grassroots program provides tools to get you directly in contact with your state or federal elected officials.
- The Colorado Construction Industry Coalition (board members of CSSGA, CRMCA, CCA, CAPA, & PCA) hosted Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez at a fundraiser in September. CSSGA has officially endorsed Mr. Beauprez, as we believe he will bring common sense to the capitol. In our discussions with Mr. Beauprez, he shared with us that a main focus of his campaign is to reduce unnecessary regulation and get government out of the way, in order to afford us the opportunity to do what we do best. We are also in the process of conducting several other fundraisers for Colorado legislature candidates. I urge everyone to exercise their right vote!
- Our newly formed Educational Outreach Committee has successfully held training sessions and conducted site tours for both the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the US Office of Minerals Evaluation. These highly successful sessions continue to spread the word regarding the importance of our industry and the economic impact we contribute to.
- CSSGA has also engaged in an in depth Strategic Planning process over the past several months. Starting with a survey to gather information, a task force has worked with Committee Chairmen to ensure focus, clarity, and urgency in our efforts. This is extremely important if we are to maximize the impact of our limited resources. This plan is currently being finalized for presentation at the Annual Conference in November.
- Also, I want to expand on our Annual Meeting, which this year will be held at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs on November 21. This will be the first time in many years that the Colorado Stone, Sand & Gravel Association and the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association will hold their annual conferences side by side. I hope everyone can make arrangements to attend
- Lastly, don’t forget to apply for the Safety, Grassroots, and Reclamation awards that are part of the conference. These awards recognize people who are making a difference in our industry. Click here for more information.
Thanks again to all the volunteer committee help and support we continue to receive. Truly, without this, we would not be as strong as we have become!! Have a safe October.
Todd Ohlheiser, CSSGA Executive Director
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