August 2014 Executive Director Blog

MLRB, DRMS, DNR and CSSGA Staff at the Spec Agg Quarry.
Hello CSSGA members, Welcome to my bi-monthly blog. Plenty is happening with your association and here are the highlights:
- While the 2014 legislative session is over, the campaign season is just heating up. You have seen commercials already commenting on various issues and candidates. One issue the CSSGA Governmental Affairs Committee has addressed is the statewide impact from fracking. We believe this would have a devastating impact on Colorado and therefore, have aligned with Coloradoan For Responsible Reform in efforts to educate the public about fracking and the huge financial impact it has on the state. This is truly a bipartisan group including Kelly Brough, President and CEO, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce; Ken Salazar, former United States Senator and Secretary of Interior, and former Denver Mayor, Wellington Webb, to name a few. I encourage you to learn more about the issue by visiting
- Also, our fundraising has begun for the Colorado ROCK PAC. This is the CSSGA managed Political Action Committee, and an important part of helping to elect business friendly candidates. We need your help in this endeavor so please consider a contribution of a few dollars, up to the maximum of $550 dollars. Our PAC, along with our Governmental Affairs Committee’s involvement with various fundraisers can make a difference. PLEASE PARTICIPATE!!!
- Additionally, hand in hand with the PAC, we are pleased to roll out our new Grassroots program. This is a simple way to get involved in the political and community outreach process, many times, right in your our neighborhood. A webinar will be held Aug 5th at 2 pm to explain the program and how you can get involved. Please use this link for more information and to register.
- Finally, members of our Land Use and Environmental Committee conducted a very successful tour of mining operations with the Colorado Department of Resources (DNR) and the Mined Land Reclamation Board (MLRB). During this session, state dignitaries learned more about the importance of our industry and the benefit we bring to the state. Pictures are attached
Thank you very much for your ongoing support of our industry and CSSGA! Please contact myself or Annelise if there is something more we can do to help your business.
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